Manage meetings and committees digitally
OpenSlides is a powerful and modern, web-based software for the digital organization of your meetings and committees. All user access their committees and meetings via one central URL.
Meeting organization all from one source: agenda, speaker lists, motions, elections and participant administration. Use the committee management functions of OpenSlides to digitize your organization sustainably. All of this can be used intuitively.
OpenSlides for all formats

Streamline and simplify your processes of classic face-to-face events and see the benefits for yourself: Respond flexibly in real time with OpenSlides and modernize your processes.

Give a decentrally distributed assembly the opportunity for interactive participation: All functions of OpenSlides can be controlled and used from home as well as at the venue.

The integrated livestream makes OpenSlides the all-in-one solution for your digital event. The intelligent coupling of speaker list, video conference and livestream makes it easy to use.
OpenSlides – The tool for digital motion consulting
Functions in OpenSlides
Committee management
Map your organisations’ structure by creating as many committees and meetings as needed. Determine exactly which committees can forward motions and define rights to access to committees and meetings. Archive your past meetings.
The autopilot guides all participants through an event. It shows which agenda item or motion is currently being discussed, who is on the speaking list, which vote is currently in progress and what is currently being shown on the projector.
Add, change, or move automatically numbered agenda items on the fly using drag and drop. Link individual items to speech lists as well as speaking times and integrate hidden entries such as breaks for better scheduling.
List of speakers
Use the list of speakers for the administration of speech contributions. Capture speaking time to the second and set countdowns for speaking times. Highlight for the picture direction: automatized lower third of current speakers.
Enter motions and amendments. Assign categories and motion numbers. Vote electronically and record the decision.
Nominate candidates on-the-fly, speed up your ballots with electronic voting, and present the results.
Electronic voting
Use live voting for motion voting, elections and polling. Specify user group eligible to vote. Create nominal or non-nominal votes.
Determine which partcipants see what. Each area of OpenSlides can be enabled for individual user groups. Managing delegates and their attendance, as well as sophisticated rights management, is straightforward and intuitive.
OpenSlides is designed to work with multiple screens and comes with powerful projector controls. The web interface allows you to project and edit slides while the projectors are running in full screen.
Live conference with video livestream
Integrate a live video stream in OpenSlides. All participants can follow this stream visibly in OpenSlides at any time and have the option of submitting speech contributions via a video conference.
Multifunctional and responsive
No matter if file upload or comment function – OpenSlides is equipped with a multitude of practicable tools. Moreover, we develop custom solutions for our clients.
OpenSlides – the most widespread motion and conference tool in Germany
Order Hosting
Easily book OpenSlides for your next event:
- SaaS – Software-as-a-Service
- available on short notice
- order and get started
- all functions included
- automatic updates, backups, performance optimization
Order a suitablie hosting package now!
You need individual support and professional consultation – arrange a free initial consultation. Our fee-based services:
- Training and workshops
- On-site service
- Technical customer support
- Telephone on-call service
- Further development and individual customization
Open Source
We pledged ourselves to the principles of an Open Source, liberal and free of charge exchange of our software and even represent this in our name. OpenSlides is usable under the MIT license.
Please note that we cannot offer technical support for the installation and configuration on your own server.
- Amnesty InternationalJahresversammlung
- Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB)Bundeskongress, Bundesjugendkonferenz, Bezirkskonferenzen
- FDPBundes- und Landesparteitage
- SPDBundes-, Landes-, Bezirks- und Kreisparteitage
- Marburger BundHauptversammlung
- Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)DSA Convention
- European Youth Forum Member Meeting
- ver.diBundeskongress, div. Bundes-/Fachbereichs- und Bezirkskonferenzen / Vorstandssitzungen
- European Students’ Unsion Mitgliederversammlung
- AWOBundeskonferenz