Integrate a video livestream of your virtual meeting into OpenSlides. All participants can watch the stream in OpenSlides at any time. If a person wants to speak, they add themselves to the current list of speakers in OpenSlides and thus automatically switch to a Jitsi video conference room. The livestream broadcasts the video conference. At the end of the speech, you leave the conference room and follow the livestream again.
This method uses little bandwidth (compared to pure video conferencing) and can be scaled to a large number of participants. Virtual events with several hundred people are no longer a problem. In addition, most participants only follow a meeting as “consumers”, i.e. only a small group of people actively speak with microphone and camera. Rely on a proven broadcast streaming solution – intelligently coupled with the OpenSlides speech list function.
A short animation of how it works: Video-Livestream (German only)
- The livestream is always in the foreground (alternatively minimized or in full screen)
- Automatic broadcasting of current speakers in the livestream
- Intelligent coupling with the speaker list (only persons on the list of speakers can enter the video conference)
- Bandwith saving broadcast technology with extremely low latency (usable even for very big meetings)
- Freely definable applause feature for participants
- Virtual help desk room (e.g. for technical checks of participants before speeches)