Digitally organize union conferences and committees

Whether union conferences, national congresses or the daily work in the many committees – workers’ unions benefit at many levels from the functional scope of OpenSlides. From the smallest committee at district level, state district conferences, the executive board, groups of senior citizens’, women’s and youth conferences, specialist groups – all these committees can be organized digitally and designed effectively with OpenSlides. Set priorities individually when using the functions or take advantage of the full range of possibilities.

Plenum ver.di Bundeskongress 2023

Motion debates with OpenSlides

At the heart of working with OpenSlides is the mapping of complex motion processes. Individual workflows and responsibilities can be defined in a differentiated manner. Vote on motions directly in OpenSlides and record the decisions transparently for all participants, motion submitters and delegates.

Numerous other functions support the work of a motion committee – before, during and after the conferences. Subject categories and motion blocks help to structure the content, while amendments and decisions can be presented flexibly and ad hoc. Find out more about the motion management functions.

Committee management with OpenSlides

OpenSlides can be used not only at your union conferences or national congresses, but also at smaller board meetings and all organizational levels in between. Thanks to differentiated account management, participants can be assigned different roles and rights depending on the meeting. Motions can be forwarded to the next responsible committee and motion processes can thus be mapped across the entire organization. Find out more about the committee management functions.

Check-in Counter GdP Bundeskongress 2022
Direction DGB OBK 2022

Expert knowledge and competent support

The OpenSlides team has many years of experience in advising and supporting your union conferences. From the initial consultation to precisely assessing your needs, through training courses and workshops, to professional on-site support from our specialist staff.

We provide support with the management of elections and voting, at the registration desk or with visualization. We attribute particular importance to professional, reliable and customer-oriented contact with all those involved – on and behind the stage, as well as with the delegates. Contact us for an initial consultation and request a customized quote!

OpenSlides in use